Success Stories
Reach Your Fitness Goals with a Top Strength Trainer in Kernersville & Greensboro
Do you wish you could lose that weight once and for all?
Would you like to feel more energetic and be more fit and trim?
Have a specific fitness goal in mind?
Yes, it’s true! You can reach your fitness goals—no matter how big or small—with Fisher Fitness Training. Damian is a top fitness and strength trainer in Kernersville, NC. He works with his clients to create a custom fitness and nutrition plan that will get you in the right mindset and on your way to the body and fitness level you’ve always wanted.
Damian makes working out fun, safe, purposeful, and educational. Stop wasting your time with cookie-cutter workouts. It’s time you discover the real solution to your health, wellness, weight management, and true fitness.
But don’t just take our word for it. Check out the success stories of Damian’s clients!
Has Damian Fisher helped you achieve your fitness goals? Tell us about your own success story here:

DAMIAN FISHER Success Stories
Damian guidance has helped me achieve my goals of adding muscle and strength
I have been working with Damian for year. He listens to my goals and helps me achieve them thru diet and exercise.
Being 66 years old gaining muscle is difficult to achieve. Damian guidance has helped me achieve my goals of adding muscle and strength.
If you want to do what works give Damian a call.
I Love What I See in the Mirror!
I started working with Damian because I wanted to increase my core strength for surfing and yoga. I’ve been working with Damian for 7 months, and I love every session. Damian takes the time to educate you as you exercise. So, you know the purpose of each workout element and the result you’ll get with consistency. He ensures that you position your body properly for each element, so that you’re working the right muscles and you don’t get hurt. Damian will also make sure that you’re eating properly, so your body has the energy it needs before, during, and after your workouts. He cares about his clients’ fitness, and he’s a teammate in your fitness journey–no matter your starting point. I’m extremely proud of my increasing muscular and core strength. And I love what I see in the mirror! I arrive happy–and leave happy–every time! Thank you, Damian!
Damian Helped Me Fall in Love with Weights & Core Training!
Since 2017, Damian has been proactive about helping me gain strength physically, and he keeps tabs on my overall health. I experienced a stress fracture due to poor running style, and Damian has helped me fall in love with weights and core training. He truly is passionate about better health. Plus, he is fun to work with!
Holds Me Accountable to Stick with My Program
I have been working with Damian for about 2 years. I had lower back pain, and he started me on a fitness program to strengthen my core and lower back. I learned how to stretch and move to prevent injury. I am now toning and strengthening my whole body. Damian makes sure I am performing the exercises properly, so I won’t injure myself. It has been a pleasure to have his expertise and caring attitude. He is great about calling to check on me. He also holds me accountable to stick with my program.
Dropped 2 Dress Sizes without Going Hungry!
Damian helped me regain strength that I didn’t think I would ever see again! I am 62 years old and feel great. I have dropped two dress sizes without going hungry! Thank you, Damian!
Tailored Workouts to Fit Your Needs!
I started working with Damian after having labrum surgery. He was extremely helpful in working with me through exercises to help strengthen my shoulder to help in recovery. He helped me correct my form, which was the cause of my injury in the first place. I would highly recommend Damian for any fitness goals because he will tailor workouts to fit your needs.
I Have Seen Amazing Results!
I’ve been working out with Damian for almost a year and have seen amazing results! I have lost around 30 pounds, gained a significant amount of muscle, and feel great about the way my body looks. Damian is a great trainer with a lot of experience and attention to detail. He not only customizes a different workout for you each session, but a diet too. As a stay-at-home mother of two, I am very busy. Damian is always so kind to be flexible with my schedule.
He Keeps Me in My Best Shape!
Damian is one of the best, if not THE best trainer! We have trained together for over a decade. His advice and help on nutrition and training programs keep me in my best shape.
At 87 Years Old, Working Out Makes Me Feel Better!
I’ve been working out with Damian for almost 4 years. I originally wanted to improve my leg strength and balance. Working out makes me feel better. And for 87 years old, that’s a really good thing! Thanks, Damian!
Best Trainer in the Greensboro Area!
I am 57 years old, and I’ve been working out with Damian for over 15 years. He’s the best trainer in the Greensboro area. He is very intuitive with my workouts, knowing when and how long I need between reps to rest before my next set. I did rehab with him for back and knee issues. He built up my strength in both. I recommend Damian for all your fitness goals!
Listens to Your Personal Goals
Damian asks and listens to what your own personal goals are for your body, then designs a workout to achieve your goals. If one of your goals is weight loss, he will design a diet plan to help you achieve weight loss with exercise. Today, I enjoy being fit and can walk 5 miles. Damian has encouraged me, throughout my aging process, to achieve my goals for personal success. My thanks to him!
Sherry Allen
I enjoy working out with Damian. He has made me stronger, healthier, and more confident. He focuses on exercise and diet concerns to achieve specific goals!
Ricki Hall
I have been a client of Damian’s for going on three years. Damian cares about his clients. Shoot, he gets up at 4:30am just for our small group! He makes sure we do our exercises properly and has no problem modifying exercises if we have an injury or a special need.
Angelin Ham
I have been working out with Damian for three years and have seen more body sculpting and toning from these workouts than any other. I recommend his services 100% if you are interested in changing your body!

During preparation for my Men’s Physique show, Coach Damian laid out everything I needed to do in order to get into peak condition. He gave me specifics: grams of protein, carbohydrates, and fat, as well as how many ounces of water I needed to take in as I got closer to show time. He recommended foods that would allow me to hit the desired macros. On show day, he informed me if I needed more ProTan or not and what to do in order to hold my peak for both show days. Damian gives training specifics that leave no room for uncertainty for his clients, and he a delivers a clear pathway toward success!

At 86 years old, I began to have problems with my balance and walking. I fell 4 times within a 2-week period, and I was afraid my active lifestyle was coming to an end. Damian scheduled me for an evaluation/consultation, and I began my sessions the following week. With his knowledge and instruction, I was quickly back on my feet and have had no more accidents. I am getting stronger with every workout, I feel wonderful, and I am enjoying my independent life again!

When I first started working with Damian, I was not happy with how I viewed my body. I have always been very active but struggled with keeping my weight steady, which was very discouraging. I thought that if I worked hard enough, I could manage my weight on my own—and that could not have been further from the truth! I had two goals when I first met Damian. One of my goals was to lower my body fat and build muscle in a way which was sustainable—even if I wasn’t competing. My second goal was to keep my strength while losing weight. Being a firefighter, it was very important for me to keep my strength be able to perform on a daily basis. Damian not only helped to change how I viewed food, but he helped me regain my confidence and be proud of what I see in the mirror!

When I started training with Damian, I knew that this was the beginning of something great and it would be a life-changing experience. Damian set me up on a diet plan and workout plan. I would see Damian once a week. During the days that I saw Damian, we would work out and talk about any diet changes or any changes that needed to be made to my workout plan. Damian would also keep in contact with me during the week to make sure things were going as planned, and if not then he would make changes. During competition prep, Damian would help teach me the poses that were required for competing. Once a week I would have posing practice with Damian and he would help me with my posing and also help me on my stage presence. In 2015, I competed and placed second in the novice figure division and the fit body division. I recently competed in the No Gear Classic and placed second in the Figure Novice division and fifth in the Open division. Damian has guided me and been there for me through this whole process. I have learned a lot about my physique and also ways to help meet the nutritional needs to keep my body in shape. I am pleased to say that I have a great coach.

I was introduced to Damian as I was preparing to compete in my first figure competition. I am so thankful that I met Damian and took him on as one of my coaches. I competed in the ANBF Natural Mountaineer Championships on June 25, 2016, and placed 1st in figure debut, 1st place in figure novice, 1st place in figure open, and won my ANBF Pro Card—all in my first time competing on stage. During preparation for the competition, Damian made crucial decisions about my dieting, training, and stage t-walk and posing. I followed all of his recommendations to the ‘T’ and am so glad that I did! There is no way that I would have been so successful at my first competition if it had not been for Damian’s expertise, wisdom, and knowledge. I appreciate Damian’s natural and holistic approaches to maintaining a healthy and fit body. Damian has earned my trust. I trust him to continue to make essential decisions about my fitness and health in future shows and during the off season. To have a coach that you don’t have to question and have full confidence in speaks loudly. And I can say that about Damian. I am honored that he is one of my coaches.

I was tired of carrying unnecessary weight and wanted to get back to a more ideal weight. But more than the weight loss, I wanted to maintain a healthier lifestyle. With Damian’s help, I am doing just that. It’s great to have a good trainer on your side.

As a physician, I have always known that a balance between healthy eating and exercise yields results. For such a long time, I have incorporated either one or the other into my daily routine, but never on a consistent basis. I decided that I needed to practice what I had been preaching all of these years, so I took action. With Damian’s help and expertise, we were able to completely overhaul the way I eat and incorporate much-needed physical activity. In the wake of a knee injury, Damian designed a training program that focuses on strength training, weight loss, and healthy lifestyle modifications. The program is individualized and met me at my current fitness level. Having a personal trainer gives me the much-needed accountability. Now I hate to miss a session, and I don’t crave any of the junk foods I had once lived on. Living a healthy lifestyle is the best thing I could have chosen to do.

I hated to exercise. It was boring, repetitive, and never seemed to give me the results that I wanted. I migrated toward loose-fitting clothes and oversized t-shirts. I was out of shape and my knees hurt from carrying around the extra pounds. In fact, I would often avoid going up and down stairs. But as much as I hated to exercise, I disliked the direction I was heading even more. This was when I reluctantly started to work with Damian—and what a difference. Damian listens to you and takes the time to understand what you like, what you don’t like, what you want to accomplish, and what motivates you. He tailors the program to your needs and gets you to where you want to be. I still can’t say that I enjoy exercise, but I can easily endure my 30-minute workouts—and I love the results! Damian’s program and expertise has greatly improved my quality of life.
Strength training and true fitness are just a phone call away.
Let’s schedule your first personal training session today!